Gee, it seems like it's been a long time since Survivor has been on, preempted by basketball, what no figure skating? We find the tribe returning from their tribal council and Ozzy is getting worried that he is a target. Yeah Oz, wake up. Airai tribe is desperate to eat something other than coconuts and Jason manages to catch a rat. Yikes, that's desperation. They string up the poor rat like a pig for slaughter. Parvati looks at the rat and is turned off by the rat's mile long tail. And who could blame her, that tail was just too gross, it looked like a long piece of rubber. Ew! It isn't enough that they don't have enough to eat, but James wishes he was back at the other beach as this camp is, he says, just terrible, it's just for the criminals. The Airai camp has just a short rough surf beach area and definitely doesn't look like a post card for the blue lagoon. Both tribes get tree mail which states that they need to pick one person from the other tribe to sit out the reward/immunity challenge and who will also have immunity should their tribe lose. Of course we knew they would pick Jungle boy wonder, Ozzy to sit out, but Airai choose Alexis? That might
and does come back to bite them. The challenge was about balance and coordination as the survivors ran a gauntlet of beams, rolling drums and rope ladders to retrieve flags. Erik, trying to an Oz-like stunt, would take giant leaps to the platform and one time towards the end when all his energy was spent he missed and hit his chest on the boards, ouch that's gotta hurt! Malakai would have been better off, choosing Jason to go to exile island than Alexis, because Jason won it for the other tribe.

Back on exile island, Ozzy is curious to see if someone found his fake idol and lo and behold, he finds someone did. Should be amusing when Jason if and when he is forced to play it.

The reward for Airai, pizza and beer, for Malakai, a scrambling for Erik to save himself from being voted off. He goes to Cirie (gee she's still there?) and Amanda and tries to tell them that Ami was quick to turn on them, but it was funny how Ami comes back to camp and overhears Erik telling them about her. She tells Amanda and Cirie that she wants to be a part of them, so they make a pack, give each other a big girl hug and Ami feels for once like she belongs. When Ozzy comes back, Eric runs to him like a lost puppy to tell him what the girls are conspiring. When Oz hears that Ami tried to get him out, he convinces Amanda and Cirie to vote out Ami. At tribal council, no amount of tears could save Ami from elimination. In the end, Ozzy's hold over the girls was still steadfast and Ami departed with grace and good wishes. Looks like next week the tribes finally merge which should prove fun and interesting.-Single D
When we join our survivors, Ami and Cirie are out crab hunting. Cirie was so nice to let Ami do all the work and work she did. You would have thought that crab had done something to her and her family the way Ami was whacking away at it. At least the tribe had a good meal that night. Back at camp Airai, James is down on the camp saying it is the place they send the criminals. It does look pretty dismal, no wonder those people have low moral, even Parvati looks like she is getting a mustache.

The rest of the survivors go on to the reward challenge which was an obstacle course with heavy bags being thrown at one as they go across the course. No one could hit anything with those bags and most everyone didn't have much trouble with the course, not very graceful but whatever works. Erik takes a nasty fall and catches a platform in the chest. I saw it on the preview and it looked so painful that everytime he tried to jump to the platform I had to close my eyes so I wouldn't see it again.

Erik, trying to save his skin, tells Cirie & Amanda all about Ami's exploits in hopes they will turn on her. Ami returns to hear and pleads her case, "I don't feel I'm part of anything", "no one includes me", I get picked last for kickball, wah, wah, wah! Suck it up you little schemer it's coming back to bite you! She leaves thinking she has a deal with the girls. Ami walks up to Erik with the machete on her shoulder saying I owe you and thank you. If I was Erik, I think I would ask her to step away from the machete and then we'll talk.
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