Cashtown Inn, Cashtown, PA near Gettysburg. There is a lot of history here from the civil war. The basement was used as a makeshift hospital where a lot of amputations took place. Scenes of actual operations are seen here, like watching a movie. That's a new one on me. In the guest rooms, people get their feet tugged, furniture moves and sounds of people running in the hallway are frequent complaints by guests.
Jason and Grant start off in the upstairs suite with Grant sitting in a chair and Jason sitting on the sofa across from him. They hear footsteps coming from the bedroom coming closer to them and Jason says he feels someone sit down next to him on the sofa so much so that the sofa cushion depresses. That gives me chills!
Tango and Chris, in another guest room, run into the TV that turns itself on and off. Turns out the walkie talkies are on the same frequency as the TV and everytime they use the walkie talkie, the TV turns on or off. Ok, one thing debunked.
Tango and Chris head for the basement where Chris begins to feel sick and has to leave. After she recovers, she goes back for a second try and gets sick again. Upon further investigation, the basement has extremely high EMF readings (electromagnetic field) which some people are sensitive. It can cause nausea and paranoia prompting a space like this to be called a "fear cage".
The teams gets to sleep at the inn which lets them keep investigating by setting up cameras in their rooms. Grant is in the room with the moving chair and aims his camera at the chair. He is in bed about 2 minutes when he hears something moving or being moved. He gets up but doesn't turn on the light so he can't see what is moving.
During review, the tape in Grant's room catches a picture frame moving on its own. Tango, doing EVP work, asks "do you miss your family" and gets a "yes" response. The footsteps Jason and Grant hear in the suite show up on audio.
The team says there is paranormal activity as well as a residual haunting. It made a believer out of the owner!
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