Ben can't seem to get acclimated to Japan and ends up in hospital and eventually sent home. Meanwhile back at the house, mommason makes breakfast for the remaining contestants. No bacon and eggs here. She makes some green stuff with shaved fish on top and soup with more green stuff. Yum! No wonder Ben ended up in hospital!

Darcy returns to take Ben's place on the green team. That didn't break any hearts on the yellow team. The game this week is, become the giant claw! Remember those claw machines at the arcade that you pick out the stuffed animal? Same thing on a giant scale. One contestant from each team becomes the claw while three other team members control the movements. The yellow team is up first with Justin as the claw. He and his team mates do a great job maneuvering around and pick up 10 stuffed panda bears. The green team is watching backstage and Meaghan, as the claw, starts to freak out thinking she won't be able to beat Justin.

The green team takes their places and Meaghan gets the first panda pretty quick and that's it. She couldn't hold on to the pandas and kept giving bad directions to her team mates. The yellow team wins it and as a reward get a day at the spa. At the spa, the team gets treated to a warm sand bath. As one team member puts it, you normally see people doing this on the beach only someone acts like they are peeing on you. After the sand bath, the team goes into a room with a small pond and are told to put their feet in the pond. Small fish, called doctor fish start swarming over their feet and eating the dead skin. Are these baby piranhas or something? I'd be afraid I would come out missing a toe or two!

The yellow loser team has to work in a Pachinko parlor doing various jobs like serving drinks, advertising and cleaning the Pachinko balls. The game looks like a cross between a pin ball machine and a slot machine and are
very loud. Those balls are a little smaller than a marble and Donnell gets the job of cleaning them. After getting busted for playing one of the machines, Meaghan is told to go clean the balls. After a fun filled day in a loud Panchinko parlor, the team has to decide who will play the elimination game. Now you would think Meaghan would be the natural choice but no, she and Mary decide it should be Olga and Donnell because they are loud. What?! Let's see, we have a girl who pretty much screwed up and lost the game for the team or two loud people who, as far as I can tell, have been pretty good. I would love to bang some heads together!
Donnell pleads his case and Meaghan & Mary decide they need some man power and keep Donnell. Olga just plain loses it yelling at Donnell that she has had his back and he better not send her up. Since Meaghan seems to be making all of the decisions why didn't she decide who is to go up against Olga instead of Donnell? Donnell needs to grow a set and stand up to her. I know he at least stood up long enough not to be put up against Olga but come on! Anyway, Donnell figures he's a hated man no matter who he picks and sends up Darcy. I felt bad for Darcy since she really didn't deserve to be chosen, heck, she didn't even play!

The game is to deliver packages into slots going against a giant fan while the other throws trash at them. Olga goes first with Darcy doing the throwing. Darcy does pretty good nailing Olga with pillows and blow up toys but Olga manages to get 5 packages delivered. Darcy is up and Olga can't hit the broad side of a barn. It started to look like Olga may have it since Darcy kept falling on her butt. It was not to be and Darcy wins leaving us to say sayonara to Olga as she is carried out by the Japanese men in black.
I'm not sure how much more of this I can watch. I really would like to know where these people come from because I will avoid that place like the plague! Then again, I am the one watching. I do think mommason should have her own show! Double D
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