As they say, all good things must come to an end and so it is with the Bachelorette. Who knew that crazy looking Jesse, with his pink shoe laces and paint splattered jacket, would be one of two standing? Didn't we know that Jason would be in the finale since he's the kind of guy we love, warm, sweet, kind? Both guys have to suffer the torturous scrutiny of DeAnna's family, sizing the guys up, both individually and a head to head comparison competition, can you say awkward? Of course we know who DeAnna's dad liked. At first he wasn't too thrilled with Jason with his divorce and built in family, but up against Jesse's free snowboarding lifestyle, Jason looked pretty good, you know steady job, family man, sincere, safe and secure (in other words, boring). DeAnna's gram was hysterically funny, her main criteria was which one is the richest? A woman after my own heart! Gotta love the gram! In the end, I think the sister-in-law said it best, when she said that a life with Jason will be fast forwarding your life by 5 years, where as with Jesse, you would be just beginning. Oh yeah, both guys passed the, may I ask for your daughter's hand in marriage, test too.
Once back in the Bahama's Jeremy requested to talk with DeAnna again. I guess the guy just can't take no for an answer. Don't cha know when you go back you always look like the fool, and fool he did. It just seemed to me that he couldn't believe that she would pick those other two dorks over him, Mr. Perfect, Mr. I'm successful, Mr. I need to have my law notes on my walls in my apartment to show how great and smart I am. Well, she sent him packing. I did feel a moment of sympathy for him but he'll get someone else. I bet girls are already throwing their panties at him! I loved the presents that Jesse and Jason gave DeAnna on their last chance dates. I'm wondering if Jesse made that little scrapbook himself? He could always open up a scrap booking store once he leaves snowboarding and I thought Jason's bachelorette game was
really inventive and original. He's very clever and thoughtful. After the dates, it seemed to me that DeAnna used the "L" word when talking about Jason but in the same breath described him as safe and secure. Do women really want safe and secure? No, they want excitement, fun, adventure, romance and bad boys! And I think Jesse is more that type except he's a good bad boy. I was having second thoughts when Jesse went to get the ring and then started throwing up. Not a good sign! Buying rings and puking don't go together. Looked like he was scared to death about the whole thing. In the end, both guys clean up pretty good, but I hated Jason's pencil legged suit which looked odd on him. When he stepped out of the limo first an "Oh no" escaped my lips as I knew he was headed for a beheading. It was really hard this time around, usually when it is the Bachelor picking, there is always one b#tch that you love to hate so the hope is on the other one. But with this season you just like both guys so much, couldn't they become polygamists? Good guys do get the girl in the end. Jason looked so happy when he stepped out of the limo and almost immediately drops to his knees to propose. Afterward, Jason lamented that he wished DeAnna hadn't made him drop to his knees, but I'm thinking she wanted to see if he would propose to her. I'm wondering why DeAnna wasn't too verbal with both guys. She didn't give the usual "you're a wonderful guy" speech, in fact she gave no speeches at all, she just let both guys do most of the talking. I would have loved to see her tell Jason that he was a wonderful person and really deserved the best girl, just not her. In the end, I think she shocked a lot of people by choosing against type by picking Jesse. I can see them together, bu
t hey Jesse, what will you do when the snow melts?
The After the Final Rose episode, DeAnna and Jesse looked very happy together, they were so smoochy, smoochy, get a room! yuck! Could it be that DeAnna is a clinging vine? She was all over poor Jesse, like fur on a bear. What was she trying to prove, that's she's in love? Was she really saying look what you missed Graham? Well, it looks like there's no turning back, the date is set for May 9, 2009! Is ABC planning to televise the nuptials to their loyal bachelor fans?-Single D
About the only things I can add are: Jason could have shaved when he came to DeAnna's house. At least he brought flowers for everyone, nice touch. Loved the front porch on DeAnna's house, I'm all about a good front porch! I think her brother got DeAnna thinking about Jason when he asked her what the WOW factor is about him. I don't think Jason really had a WOW factor. Jesse got his hair cut for the family adventure, good thing since DeAnna's dad didn't seem to keen on a son-in-law with long hair. Dad obviously liked Jason the best and really put the screws to Jesse making him look like a deer caught in the headlights when he asked him what he would do when he was too old to snowboard.
The next day it's meet the whole family day with both guys there at the same time. DeAnna calls her grandparents Yaya and Papu. I've heard grandparents called a lot of things but those two are new to me. Jesse arrives first still looking nervous. When the doorbell rings, I thought he would jump out of his skin. Camera pans to the front door and we see Jason standing out front jiggling around like he has to pee again. Wasn't he taught to "go" before you leave?
Jesse finally relaxes a bit and shows the grandparents the funky handshakes. Grandma seems pretty down with it, you go Yaya!
Later, DeAnna gets the heads up that Jeremy wants to talk to her. Did I call that or what? I'm sure most of you who have been watching also just knew it would be him. A teary eyed DeAnna tells him she doesn't feel it in her heart and doesn't want to lead him on and sends him on his way.
The last dates in the Bahamas are one last chance at adventure and a lot of kissing. Jesse and Jason give the hand made presents, a scrap book from Jesse and a board game from Jason, how clever! I was wondering if ABC had a hand in those gifts. I really don't see Jesse sitting there making a scrap book. Jason on the other hand, would probably build a shrine to DeAnna in the backyard.

The big day arrives and it's more recap and more of Jason professing his love and Jesse professing his nerves. I'm sorry but if you get so nervous about something that it makes you sick, you probably shouldn't do it! Jason is first up so I'm thinking it ain't you bud. Was it me or did his feet look 5 sizes bigger in that suit? It looked like he was wearing dress clown shoes. DeAnna doesn't speak until Jason starts going down on one knee then she tells him to stop and that she is in love with someone else. Darn, he shaved and everything! So poor Jason rides away in the limo wondering what went wrong.

See Jason's interview after the final rose:
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