The game this week is for two team members to ride bicycles that control the speed of a treadmill upon which another team member will be riding a tricycle. Not an adult tricycle but one built for a child. Which ever tricycle rider lasts the longest in the "red zone" wins, fail and end up in a pool of ice water.

Cathy is up on the tricycle for the yellow team and lasts a whole 5 seconds in the red zone while Bilenda managed a respectable 38 seconds before taking the plunge. That looked
so uncomfortable riding the tricycles with knees sticking out all over and I know that seat
had to hurt! Round two and Meaghan gets 28 seconds for the green team while yellow Darcy only gets 13 seconds. The yellow penguins win the game, or as host Rome says "pengins".
The winners get a VIP tour of the world's largest fish market where 4 million pounds of fish is sold daily. That's incredible! At that rate we won't have any fish left in a few years! They go to the tuna auction and get to sample the wares. The fisherman sliced the tuna right off the carcass, now that's fresh!

The losing team has to go to the rice paddies and plant rice all day. When they get their outfits, apparently there is a dress code in the rice paddies, Donnell says he looks like Bruce Lee's illegitimate half son. The rice paddies looked so pretty, from a distance. Right away everyone gets stuck in the mud. There was a Japanese man standing on the bank blowing a whistle at the team, for what, I don't know. I guess he was there to whistle at them if they weren't

doing it right. He was blowing the whistle so much that Donnell asked if he was an NFL referee. This guy was certainly looking for the free labor, when Donnell feel down, the whistle blower tells him, get up, plant rice! Those Japanese don't mess around. It didn't look like they got much planted and what they did plant, they got yelled at for not getting the plants in a straight line.
For the elimination game, Mary says to put up Darcy & Donnell and Meaghan agrees. Later, Meaghan offers to go up against Darcy as long as she gets exemption in the next elimination. Good thinking Meaghan! Everyone agrees to her terms and the elimination is set. At the studio, Donnell decides he doesn't like the deal they made with Meaghan and earns her wrath. Look bud, you agreed to the deal don't be going back on it now.

The elimination game is "You look funny stuck on the wall". Yes, they jump onto a wall wearing velcro jump suits and try to land inside the form of a person. Meaghan hits hers perfectly while Darcy is close but no mocchi ball. After the jumps, the others, watching in the back, are wondering how they are going to get down. The girls have to be peeled off the wall. Meaghan continues to nail her forms and is declared the winner. They peel her off the wall and leave poor Darcy hanging on the wall. Finally host Rome looks up, like they all forgot about Darcy and has her peeled off and carried away by the Japanese Secret Service. Sayonara Darcy! Until next week....Majide!!!!!!
Double D
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