This challenge takes us to Opryland and the Gaylord Hotel, where the designers learn that they will design two suites in the design stylings of country songbird, Sara Evans. The designers are split into two teams, playground pickin's with team captains Trisha who picks Mikey V and Tracee and Team Jenn with Matt and Stephanie, is that a dream team or what? They have 28 hrs and $15,000, but first it's a visit to Sara's co
untry estate. Here Sara explains that her style is Southern elegance, shabby chic, mismatchy pieces with color tones of creams and whites with that down home southern comfort. That's me, shabby chic Target. The two hotel suites are large with circular windows and a separate bedroom. Team Jenn seems really organized where Team Trisha seems scattered as Tracee goes into a hundred different directions when shopping. She drives me crazy. I really like the architectural pieces Matt picked out for the bedroom head board. Tracee on the other team picks out old painted doors for their headboards and says to Mikey V that she will take total claim for doing these because he's not so sure of the flaky paint, I don't mind a nose full of flaking lead paint! I was surprised that Trisha and Tracee worked so well together or is it that Trisha has alot of patience, bless her. Back to team Jenn, Jenn keeps saying that she can acid wash all the dark wood furniture. Ok that's great if you have all the time in the world. Are you going to acid wash everything? On the last day, Stephanie's main job was to find the sofa that would go with the other leather sofa in the room and finally brings one back only to find out that it is too large to go into the hote
l. Matt asks Steph what's plan B? Like duh, there's no plan B, just move some chairs around the big leather couch (I was like why did they buy that leather couch, that's so not shabby chic!). I'm wondering why they left that important piece for the very last minute? This episode was pretty tame now that the little sh*t stirrer Michael has left the building. Part of this week's challenge was to give a TV presentation of their rooms, while the judges were watching their performance from their judge's desk on the monitors. What was around Cynthia's Rowley's neck? Looked like some kind of neck ring made from tin can rings, are you part of some ring toss game? Tracee was totally tongue tied and what was up with Mickey V? He looked so like some homie with his grey wife beaters tee shirt, yo man, wasss up man! Like Vern said, it was like you better like my shabby chic or I'll beat you. Vern declares Trisha as the best, gee who knew? Next we get to see Sara Evans judging their suites. I thought Team Jenn's suite looked very lackluster, where was the pizazz, where was the wow? The biggest question though was why wasn't there a sofa in the room? Steph kept deferring to her teammates which Vern called her out on it. That's right Steph stand up and take responsibility. I bought the wrong sofa, I was wrong, say it with me. Sara did like Matt's wood work in the bedroom but wished there were more colors on the walls. When Sara saw Team Trisha's suite, Sara let out the biggest surprise horseface, you would have thought that she won a trip to the moon. She obviously liked this room the best and declared this the be the winning room and I surprisingly had to agree. Team Jenn's room which I thought was going to be the winner was just a let down. I would have bet money that Team Trisha's team was going to fail miserably. In the end, it was all about the accessories, all about the color, all about the comfy couches and personal touches. Sara felt so much at home, she got in bed with her shoes and clothes on. I guess the judges couldn't overlook that huge mistake, but the couch thing was like the silent elephant in the room and Stephanie's show was cancelled.-Single D

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